11+ Free Learning Portal Available Online

4 min readAug 10, 2021

Who doesn’t want to learn? Or become better?
ho doesn’t want to learn from professionals? That too for free?

We know you are one of them, and it’s high time we help you filter out the best free learning platforms on the internet. This list has been curated by qualified skill holders and an experienced bunch of e-learning enthusiasts.
We want to crush all your doubts, so you can focus on learning instead of exhausting yourself before taking a class.

Kool Stories

Kool Stories is an online learning portal that facilitates online skill-learning with like-minded people from 200+ skill communities. Connect globally for smart skill sharing & flexible modern learning. Access skills and inspire others with your upskilling journey from the comfort of your couch. Connect with driven people globally, learn new skills, upskill and pursue your interests.

LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning is an online learning portal with over 13000 courses taught by real-world experts and a library that is constantly up to date. It offers video courses that are taught by experts. LinkedIn Learning offers certifications in various categories such as business, personal development, entrepreneurship, design & teach online courses.

Codecademy is an online learning portal that teaches millions of online learners the essential skills behind coding, as well as classes in the larger IT world. With this platform, learners discover concepts such as HTML/CSS, Javascript/jQuery, Python, Ruby, PHP, and APIs by actually building things and getting constant feedback from peers.

Coursera is an online learning portal that offers students access to massive open online courses (MOOCs), specializations, and even degrees. Coursera offers over 5,100+ online courses, with close to 2,000 of them for free. They are taught by top instructors from world-class Universities and Companies.

Edx is an online learning portal offering interactive courses from the world’s best universities, colleges and organizations. It offers university-level courses like Computer science, language, data science, engineering, and more. It offers both paid & free options to learn a new skill from one of the best video-based course platforms.

Future Learn
FutureLearn is an online learning platform with over 1,000 courses from top schools and organizations — here are 14 popular free classes. FutureLearn connects people and ideas with the world’s best free online courses. It aims to pioneer the best social learning experiences for everyone, anywhere.

Skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of classes for creative and curious people to learn new skills. With Skillshare, anyone can be a learner or teacher (or both). Its major classes include creative arts, design, entrepreneurship, lifestyle, and technology.

Udacity is an online learning platform that offers a variety of courses covering data science and other nano degree programs. Through this platform, you are bound to learn new skills and knowledge to land a good job.

Brilliant is an online community of learners who share and solve physics and math problems. It focuses on helping people achieve their goals in the STEM fields. Brilliant aims its service at students, professionals, and lifelong learners.

Khan Academy
Khan Academy is one of the most popular online learning platforms that provides free video tutorials and interactive exercises from preschool through to adult learners. Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom.

Udemy is an online learning platform offering thousands of online courses where users can learn new skills or improve existing ones. Udemy offers video courses, chat with instructors option if you’re feeling a little confused. This app allows you the flexibility to take your time on a course you purchase over the course of several months, without worrying about recurring payments before you finish.

